Parent Resources: Reading

Websites you may want to check out:   this site teaches a root words.  It has puzzles and activities that are interactive and graded.  Correct answers are given if one is wrong.

Destination  Reading located on the Crews website is a multileveled instructional tool.  It has interactive stories, activities and thematic lessons that directly related to our curriculum in Language Arts and Reading.  This site has many popular stories read by famous actors. This site has many links for reading activities for parents, teachers, and librarians.


I hope the websites above get you started.  Remember, the school and public libraries are great places to find books.  Don’t forget that students can check on books with CDs at the public library.  Destination Reading is supported by our school and a great resource.  Please go through any links or websites on before allowing your child to do so.  Your approval as a parent is necessary for them to use these.  I am providing these as a guide for parents as requested, but hope that you will preview materials.  Thank you for your support of your child’s reading education.  I hope you enjoy these interactive educational tools.